About Metator

Metator is an Educational Institute where using the latest technological advancements we provide quality and productive education at very affordable cost. The current generation at schools/universities are the future backbone of the nation, we at Metator are determined to nurture and develop a stronger workforce for the nation and thus do our bit for nation building.

Our Courses

Programming for Problem Solving (ES-CS201)
Weekly Two ClassesQuarterly TestDoubt Clearing Sessions
Data Structure & Algorithms (PCC-CS302/PCC-IT301)
Weekly Two ClassesQuarterly TestDoubt Clearing Sessions
IT Workshop - Python (PCC-CS303)
Weekly Two ClassesQuarterly TestDoubt Clearing Sessions
Operating Systems (PCC-CS403/PCCIT503)
Weekly Two ClassesQuarterly TestDoubt Clearing Sessions
Design and Analysis of Algorithms (PCC-CS404/PCCIT501)
Weekly Two ClassesQuarterly TestDoubt Clearing Sessions
Object Oriented Programming using Java (PCC-CS504/PCCIT504)
Weekly Two ClassesQuarterly TestDoubt Clearing Sessions

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The Future of the World is in Artificial Intelligence and Tech Companies. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has changed the world order in the last decade and is taking control of the Future at this Very Moment. Thus, the knowledge of Programming is going to define the Future Job Prospects and here at Metator we are working in a Mission mode to make our students ready for the Future.
At Metator we Kindle the Joy of Understanding. We believe that the Joy of Understanding is Eternal. A student who understands what he/she is learning never forgets and so here at Metator we provide the platform where a student can analyse, question and then finally grasp the concepts they are learning. Such learnings are Life-Long.
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